An Excellent Introduction

Life is an excellent adventure shaped, I believe, by a sovereign and beautiful God. For Jonathan and me, this adventure became even more rich and exciting when we met almost three years ago while pursuing Civil Engineering degrees at Georgia Tech. We bonded through sharing the love of our Lord, by sharing our enthusiasm to wake up early, run, then eat oatmeal, and by beginning to share stories and dreams. We’ve since gotten married (5½ months and counting), graduated, and in mere weeks, Jonathan will graduate again with a master’s degree (pending thesis approval). Two summers ago we met a pair of older women in the Peace Corps who were traveling across Europe on bicycles. They delighted us with stories of their adventures. Between that, a previous 2-day bike trip Jonathan had done on the Silver Comet Trail, and a wonderful 2-day trip we then took across Tennessee, we started to wonder: Could we do a bike tour? A tour of extensive proportions, as far north as we can go in the U.S., t...